International Association of Personal Security

Setting the standard for personal security

We believe that everyone should be able to protect themselves and their loved ones.

By working together we can make the world a safer place


IAPSy training is designed by security professionals from a variety of backgrounds who continuously study security trends to ensure training remains relevant. IAPSy offers complete comprehensive personal security training to ensure people wherever they are in the world receive the correct training to keep them safe from threats relevant to their environment. The training can be easily adapted to include an organisation’s standards or response procedures.

IAPSy training follows the proven S.A.F.E.R methodology:

Security awareness

Avoidance techniques

Following instincts

Exercising common sense

Responding appropriately

Reduced Risk

Our approved Instructors are dedicated to providing the right information to reduce the security risks to corporate and non-corporate clients.

All personnel who receive IAPSy approved training are eligible to sign up to a monthly security bulletin which highlights trends and incidents which may impact personal security.

Organisations & Personnel who have received IAPSy approved training may be eligible for preferential business and travel insurance rates in some areas.

“This was not just training but an investment in the piece of mind that if needed I can protect myself and my family

– James J.